Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Jötnarjäger Returns

It's been almost a year since I last posted on this blog. In that time a lot has changed for me personally, and I've had a lot of new experiences which have influenced me and will therefore influence my writing over the future. 
So why did I stop writing in the first place?

Well in December my significant other gave birth to our lovely daughter. I'm sure anyone will attest the stress that one gets whilst approaching the due date is palpable, and therefore I really had other things on my mind other than writing and keeping a blog up to date.

Secondly, I had a falling out with a heathen organisation with which I was previously involved with. I won't go into the finer details, but lets just say that I was picked apart by the group's leadership for daring to suggest some different methods of achieving some community plans. Needless to say, the feeling of betrayal had knocked me back somewhat, and it's taken me a while to feel confident enough to put my feelers back out there into the heathen community.

So as it stands, I'm now ready to re-start this blog with the intent on exploring heathenry and Northern European culture.